
Showing posts from January, 2024

Exploring Different Types of Nexen Car Tyres

You have realised that your car tyres are now old and need replacement. You have done your research and finally decided to go for Nexen tyres for your car. But still confused about which types of Nexen car tyres should you get. If you are living in Stoke on Tent and looking for the best  Nexen Tyres Stoke On Trent , then you can contact us to get the best quotes on Nexen tyres. We have one of the Nexen Car Tyres Stoke On Trent  at competitive prices. In this article, we will discuss different types of Nexen car tyres available in the market. Different Types of Nexen Car Tyres All-Season Car Tyres 1. N`Priz CX It has a five-pitch structure of the tread and the outer ribs between the centre and the shoulder area of the tyre which vehicle vibrations and pattern noise, providing a quiet and comfortable ride. It has cooling pins to the shoulder of the tyre to efficiently distribute heat which increases durability under high speeds. It has four wide longitudinal grooves which quickly